Tam Tam Basket is a story that many have tried to tell: it’s a story about participation and passion, about social mobility and pride.
Tam Tam Basket is an idea originated by the willingness to have a positive impact on the lives of many kids who are still emarginated.
Tam Tam Basket is an opportunity, maybe a dream, but for sure it’s already a reality that has changed the lives of so many people in Castel Volturno, Italy.
Tam Tam Basket is social liberation, it’s love for sports and the joy to play by the right values.
Tam Tam Basketball is outside the lines.
The pleasure of generating joy and developing the youth with the values of sports.
Tam Tam Basket is a story that many tried to tell: it’s a story about participation and passion, about social mobility and pride.
Tam Tam Basket is an idea originated by the willingness to have a positive impact on the lives of many kids who are still emarginated.
Tam Tam Basket is an opportunity, maybe a dream, but for sure it’s already a reality that changed the lives of so many people in Castel Volturno, Italy.
Tam Tam Basket is social liberation, it’s love for sports and the joy to play by the right values.
Tam Tam is outside the lines.
Our kids
Under 18
Under 16
Under 14
Our partners

Believed in us